Victoria's Notes Published By Graphico Publishing P.O. Box 488 Bluff City, TN 37618 An exclusive line of 80 "Victoria's Reports" are now available with full reprint rights. Send SASE for complete list and prices to Graphico, Attn: Victoria's Reports Department. When Should You Quit Your Full-Time Job? When you start your business from home you are told to hold on to your present job until your business is making enough money for you to stay at home. But don't make the grave mistake I made when deciding "how much" you are supposed to make before quitting your full-time job. If you bring home $250 per week from your regular job, don't quit just because your home business is bringing in $250 per week in income. Why? Because at your regular full-time job the employer provides ALL of your operating materials to do your job. When you work at home for yourself -- you have to fit the whole bill! There's a big difference! As a legal secretary in the late 1980's I was used to bringing home $500+ per week in salary. This was dependable income. I could plan my expenses for the next six months based on $2000 per month in income. However, when I made the transition to working at home, $500 per week wasn't enough. I needed at least $800 per week ($300 for office expenses, postage and advertising plus the $500 I was used to living on.) But I made the mistake of assuming that I would be reducing costs by: (1) eliminating travel expenses to and from work: (2) eliminate eating out at lunchtime; and (3) eliminate the need to buy clothes and shoes for the office. I felt the elimination of these extra expenses would be saved by being at home working -- which would more than compensate for the extra office supplies and day-to-day operations I would incur and need to operate. But it DIDN'T happen this way. Owning and operating a business takes a lot of money. Just because you make $500 per week doesn't mean that you get to keep $500 per week. Depending on what type of business you have, you may only get $25 or $50 of that $500 to live on. And how many groceries will $25 or $50 buy these days? (Don't forget you still have the rent or mortgage to pay, electric and gas bills, etc.) Now please don't think I am trying to defer you from going into business. That's not my intention at all. I only want you to realize the HIGH costs of doing business so you don't make the same mistakes I did. Remember when you fist moved out on your own and your parents urged you to have $2,000 or so in savings BEFORE you moved? Why did they tell you this? Your rent was only $300 per month so why would you need $2,000 in savings? You wanted your "own" place and you were willing to pay the price of struggling financially just to have it. A business is the same thing. You can smell and taste the freedom of having your own business at home. But if you quit your secure weekly income too quickly, you'll have to go back working for someone else until you can take the plunge again.. Isn't it better to work and save up the $2,000 cushion you need before quitting the job you have now? I've personally know 4 or 5 people who quit their secure job too early in order to work from their home. And every one of them had financial trouble, had to file bankruptcy and made life hard on their families. this is NOT good! It's not good soil that will make your business grow and prosper. Good luck! I hope you don't make the same mistakes I did. My mistake cost me almost 8 years of financial struggle before I finally began making enough money to survive. And those years were so hard and mentally draining -- I would never want to experience them again! The GrapeVine News Welcome to the REAL World of mail order. Sample issue: $5.00 WARNING!! The GrapeVine News may be addicting! Once you gert your hands on a sample issue you won't be able to put it down until you read every word, cover to cover. Get your personal copy today! Only $5.00 GRAPHICO PUBLISHING P.O. Box 488 Bluff City, TN 37618 Offer A-005 - Free Gift When You return This Ad! The Mail Order PC Gazette Text File Opportunities Online